API reference

This is the API documentation of the SnipsKit package, covering all modules and classes.


This module contains a class to create Snips apps.

You can create a Snips app in two ways:

HermesSnipsApp is a subclass of HermesSnipsComponent and adds assistant and config attributes for access to the assistant’s configuration and the app’s configuration, respectively.

MQTTSnipsApp is a subclass of MQTTSnipsComponent and adds assistant and config attributes for access to the assistant’s configuration and the app’s configuration, respectively.

Both classes include the SnipsAppMixin mixin of this module to read the assistant’s configuration from the location defined in snips.toml.


These classes requires you to have a Snips assistant installed.

If you don’t need access to the assistant’s configuration nor an app-specific configuration, you can create a subclass of SnipsComponent.


If you only need access to the Snips configuration and the assistant’s configuration without the need to connect to the MQTT broker, you can use the SnipsAppMixin class.

class snipskit.apps.SnipsAppMixin(snips=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

A mixin for classes that should have access to a Snips app’s configuration, the Snips assistant’s configuration and the Snips configuration.

The classes HermesSnipsApp and MQTTSnipsApp include this mixin, primarily to avoid code duplication for reading the assistant’s configuration from the location defined in snips.toml.

You can also subclass this mixin for easy access to the Snips configuration and the assistant’s configuration without the need to connect to the MQTT broker.


The assistant configuration. Its location is read from the Snips configuration file.


The app configuration.


The Snips configuration.

__init__(snips=None, config=None)[source]

Initialize the mixin by setting the config, snips and assistant attributes.

To initialize the assistant attribute, the location of the assistant is read from the Snips configuration file. If the location is not specified there, a default AssistantConfig object is created.

  • snips (SnipsConfig, optional) – a Snips configuration. If the argument is not specified, a default SnipsConfig object is created for a locally installed instance of Snips.
  • config (AppConfig, optional) – an app configuration. If the argument is not specified, the app has no configuration.

New in version 0.3.0.


This module contains a class to create components to communicate with Snips.

A Snips component (a subclass of SnipsComponent) can communicate with Snips services. There are two subclasses of SnipsComponent in other modules:


If you want to create a Snips app with access to an assistant’s configuration and a configuration for the app, you need to instantiate a HermesSnipsApp or MQTTSnipsApp object, which is a subclass of HermesSnipsComponent or MQTTSnipsComponent respectively, adding assistant and config attributes. See the module snipskit.apps.

class snipskit.components.SnipsComponent(snips=None)[source]

Bases: object

Connect with a Snips instance and give access to a Snips configuration.

This is an abstract base class. You don’t instantiate an object of this class, but an object of one of its subclasses: HermesSnipsComponent or MQTTSnipsComponent


The Snips configuration.


Initialize a Snips component.

Parameters:snips (SnipsConfig, optional) – a Snips configuration. If the argument is not specified, a default SnipsConfig object is created for a locally installed instance of Snips.

If you have to initialize a component in your subclass of SnipsComponent, add your code in this method. It will be called between connecting to Snips and starting the event loop.


This module gives a way to access the configuration of a locally installed instance of Snips, a Snips assistant and a Snips skill.


  • AppConfig: Gives access to the configuration of a Snips app, stored in an INI file.
  • AssistantConfig: Gives access to the configuration of a Snips assistant, stored in a JSON file.
  • MQTTConfig: Represents the configuration for a connection to an MQTT broker.
  • SnipsConfig: Gives access to the configuration of a locally installed instance of Snips, stored in a TOML file.
class snipskit.config.AppConfig(filename=None)[source]

Bases: configparser.ConfigParser

This class gives access to the configuration of a Snips app as a configparser.ConfigParser object.


The filename of the configuration file.



>>> config = AppConfig()  # Use default file config.ini
>>> config['secret']['api-key']
>>> config['secret']['api-key'] = 'barfoo'
>>> config.write()

Initialize an AppConfig object.

Parameters:filename (optional) – A filename for the configuration file. If the filename is not specified, the default filename ‘config.ini’ in the current directory is chosen.
write(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Write the current configuration to the app’s configuration file.

If this method is called without any arguments, the configuration is written to the filename attribute of this object.

If this method is called with any arguments, they are forwarded to the configparser.ConfigParser.write() method of its superclass.

class snipskit.config.AssistantConfig(filename=None)[source]

Bases: collections.UserDict

This class gives access to the configuration of a Snips assistant as a dict.


The filename of the configuration file.



>>> assistant = AssistantConfig('/opt/assistant/assistant.json')
>>> assistant['language']

Initialize an AssistantConfig object.


filename (str, optional) –

The path of the assistant’s configuration file.

If the argument is not specified, the configuration file is searched for in the following locations, in this order:

  • /usr/share/snips/assistant/assistant.json
  • /usr/local/share/snips/assistant/assistant.json



>>> assistant = AssistantConfig()  # default configuration
>>> assistant2 = AssistantConfig('/opt/assistant/assistant.json')
class snipskit.config.MQTTConfig(broker_address='localhost:1883', username=None, password=None, tls_hostname=None, tls_ca_file=None, tls_ca_path=None, tls_client_key=None, tls_client_cert=None, tls_disable_root_store=False)[source]

Bases: object

This class represents the configuration for a connection to an MQTT broker.

New in version 0.4.0.


The address of the MQTT broker, in the form ‘host:port’.


The username to authenticate to the MQTT broker. ‘None’ if there’s no authentication.


The password to authenticate to the MQTT broker. ‘None’ if there’s no authentication.


The TLS hostname of the MQTT broker. ‘None’ if no TLS is used.


Path to the Certificate Authority file. Can be ‘None’.


Path to the Certificate Authorify files. Can be ‘None’.


Path to the private key file. Can be ‘None’.


Path to the client certificate file. Can be ‘None’.


Whether the TLS root store is disabled.

__init__(broker_address='localhost:1883', username=None, password=None, tls_hostname=None, tls_ca_file=None, tls_ca_path=None, tls_client_key=None, tls_client_cert=None, tls_disable_root_store=False)[source]

Initialize a MQTTConfig object.

All arguments are optional. The default values are:

  • broker_address: ‘localhost:1883’
  • tls_disable_root_store: False
  • all other arguments: None
class snipskit.config.SnipsConfig(filename=None)[source]

Bases: collections.UserDict

This class gives access to a snips.toml configuration file as a dict.


The filename of the configuration file.


The MQTT options of the Snips configuration.



>>> snips = SnipsConfig()
>>> snips['snips-hotword']['audio']
['default@mqtt', 'bedroom@mqtt']

Initialize a SnipsConfig object.

The mqtt attribute is initialized with the MQTT connection settings from the configuration file, or the default value ‘localhost:1883’ for the broker address if the settings are not specified.


filename (str, optional) –

The full path of the config file. If the argument is not specified, the file snips.toml is searched for in the following locations, in this order:

  • /etc/snips.toml
  • /usr/local/etc/snips.toml



>>> snips = SnipsConfig()  # Tries to find snips.toml.
>>> snips_local = SnipsConfig('/usr/local/etc/snips.toml')


This module contains exceptions defined for the SnipsKit library.

exception snipskit.exceptions.SnipsKitError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions raised by SnipsKit code.

By catching this exception type, you catch all exceptions that are defined by the SnipsKit library.

exception snipskit.exceptions.AssistantConfigNotFoundError[source]

Bases: snipskit.exceptions.SnipsKitError

Raised when the assistant’s configuration is not found in the search path.

exception snipskit.exceptions.SnipsConfigNotFoundError[source]

Bases: snipskit.exceptions.SnipsKitError

Raised when there’s no snips.toml found in the search path.


This module contains classes to create components that communicate with Snips services using the Hermes Python library.


This module contains a class to create Snips apps using the Hermes Python library.


from snipskit.hermes.apps import HermesSnipsApp
from snipskit.hermes.decorators import intent

class SimpleSnipsApp(HermesSnipsApp):

    def initialize(self):
        print('App initialized')

    def example_intent(self, hermes, intent_message):
        print('I received intent "User:ExampleIntent"')
class snipskit.hermes.apps.HermesSnipsApp(snips=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: snipskit.apps.SnipsAppMixin, snipskit.hermes.components.HermesSnipsComponent

A Snips app using the Hermes Python library.


The assistant configuration. Its location is read from the Snips configuration file and otherwise a default location is used.


The app configuration.


The Snips configuration.


The Hermes object.

__init__(snips=None, config=None)[source]

Initialize a Snips app using the Hermes protocol.

  • snips (SnipsConfig, optional) – a Snips configuration. If the argument is not specified, a default SnipsConfig object is created for a locally installed instance of Snips.
  • config (AppConfig, optional) – an app configuration. If the argument is not specified, the app has no configuration.


This module contains a class to create components to communicate with Snips using the Hermes Python library.


If you want to create a Snips app with access to an assistant’s configuration and a configuration for the app, you need to instantiate a HermesSnipsApp object, which is a subclass of HermesSnipsComponent and adds assistant and config attributes.


from snipskit.hermes.components import HermesSnipsComponent
from snipskit.hermes.decorators import intent

class SimpleSnipsComponent(HermesSnipsComponent):

    def initialize(self):
        print('Component initialized')

    def example_intent(self, hermes, intent_message):
        print('I received intent "User:ExampleIntent"')
class snipskit.hermes.components.HermesSnipsComponent(snips=None)[source]

Bases: snipskit.components.SnipsComponent

A Snips component using the Hermes Python library.


The Snips configuration.


The Hermes object.



This module contains decorators to apply to methods of a HermesSnipsComponent object.

By applying one of these decorators to a method of a HermesSnipsComponent object, this method is registered as a callback to the corresponding event. When the event fires (e.g. an intent happens), the method is called.


from snipskit.hermes.apps import HermesSnipsApp
from snipskit.hermes.decorators import intent

class SimpleSnipsApp(HermesSnipsApp):

    def example_intent(self, hermes, intent_message):
        print('I received intent "User:ExampleIntent"')

Apply this decorator to a method of class HermesSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered when the intent intent_name is recognized.

Parameters:intent_name (str) – The intent you want to subscribe to.

Apply this decorator to a method of class HermesSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager doesn’t recognize an intent.


Apply this decorator to a method of class HermesSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered everytime an intent is recognized.


Apply this decorator to a method of class HermesSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager ends a session.


Apply this decorator to a method of class HermesSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager queues the current session.


Apply this decorator to a method of class HermesSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager queues starts a new session.


This module contains classes to create components that communicate with Snips services using the MQTT protocol directly.


This module contains a class to create Snips apps using the MQTT protocol directly.


from snipskit.mqtt.apps import MQTTSnipsApp
from snipskit.mqtt.decorators import topic

class SimpleSnipsApp(MQTTSnipsApp):

    def initialize(self):
        print('App initialized')

    def hotword_on(self, topic, payload):
        print('Hotword on {} is toggled on.'.format(payload['siteId']))
class snipskit.mqtt.apps.MQTTSnipsApp(snips=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: snipskit.apps.SnipsAppMixin, snipskit.mqtt.components.MQTTSnipsComponent

A Snips app using the MQTT protocol directly.


The assistant configuration. Its location is read from the Snips configuration file and otherwise a default location is used.


The app configuration.


The Snips configuration.


The MQTT client object.

__init__(snips=None, config=None)[source]

Initialize a Snips app using the MQTT protocol.

  • snips (SnipsConfig, optional) – a Snips configuration. If the argument is not specified, a default SnipsConfig object is created for a locally installed instance of Snips.
  • config (AppConfig, optional) – an app configuration. If the argument is not specified, the app has no configuration.


This module contains a class to create components to communicate with Snips using the MQTT protocol directly.


If you want to create a Snips app with access to an assistant’s configuration and a configuration for the app, you need to instantiate a MQTTSnipsApp object, which is a subclass of MQTTSnipsComponent and adds assistant and config attributes.


from snipskit.mqtt.components import MQTTSnipsComponent
from snipskit.mqtt.decorators import topic

class SimpleSnipsComponent(MQTTSnipsComponent):

    def initialize(self):
        print('Component initialized')

    def hotword_on(self, topic, payload):
        print('Hotword on {} is toggled on.'.format(payload['siteId']))
class snipskit.mqtt.components.MQTTSnipsComponent(snips=None)[source]

Bases: snipskit.components.SnipsComponent

A Snips component using the MQTT protocol directly.


The Snips configuration.


The MQTT client object.

publish(topic, payload, json_encode=True)[source]

Publish a payload on an MQTT topic on the MQTT broker of this object.

  • topic (str) – The MQTT topic to publish the payload on.
  • payload (str) – The payload to publish.
  • json_encode (bool, optional) – Whether or not the payload is a dict that will be encoded as a JSON string. The default value is True. Set this to False if you want to publish a binary payload as-is.

Information about the publication of the message.

Return type:


New in version 0.5.0.


This module contains decorators to apply to methods of a MQTTSnipsComponent object.

By applying one of these decorators to a method of a MQTTSnipsComponent object, this method is registered as a callback to the corresponding event. When the event fires (e.g. an MQTT topic is published), the method is called.


from snipskit.mqtt.apps import MQTTSnipsApp
from snipskit.mqtt.decorators import topic

class SimpleSnipsApp(MQTTSnipsApp):

    def hotword_on(self, topic, payload):
        print('Hotword on {} is toggled on.'.format(payload['siteId']))
snipskit.mqtt.decorators.topic(topic_name, json_decode=True)[source]

Apply this decorator to a method of class MQTTSnipsComponent to register it as a callback to be triggered when the MQTT topic topic_name is published.

The callback needs to have the following signature:

method(self, topic, payload)

  • topic_name (str) – The MQTT topic you want to subscribe to.
  • json_decode (bool, optional) – Whether or not the payload will be decoded as JSON to a dict. The default value is True. Set this to False if you want to subscribe to a topic with a binary payload.


This module contains some helper functions to work with MQTT messages using the Snips dialogue API.

snipskit.mqtt.dialogue.continue_session(session_id, text)[source]

Return a tuple with a topic and payload for a continueSession message for the specified session ID and text.

  • session_id (str) – The session Id of the message.
  • text (str) – The text to say before continuing the session.

A tuple of the topic and the payload to call MQTTSnipsComponent.publish() with.

Return type:

(str, dict)


The payload of a continueSession message can be much more complex. Other keys than sessionId and text are not supported by this helper function: it’s aimed at just the simplest use cases.


You would use this function like this in a callback method of an MQTTSnipsApp object:

>>> self.publish(*continue_session('mySessionId', 'myText'))

This is equivalent to the much more wordy:

>>> self.publish('hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession',
                 {'sessionId': 'mySessionId',
                  'text': 'myText'})

New in version 0.5.2.

snipskit.mqtt.dialogue.end_session(session_id, text=None)[source]

Return a tuple with a topic and payload for an endSession message for the specified session ID and text.

  • session_id (str) – The session Id of the message.
  • text (str, optional) – The text to say before ending the session. If this is None, the session is ended immediately after publishing this message.

A tuple of the topic and the payload to call MQTTSnipsComponent.publish() with.

Return type:

(str, dict)


You would use this function like this in a callback method of an MQTTSnipsApp object:

>>> self.publish(*end_session('mySessionId', 'myText'))

This is equivalent to the much more wordy:

>>> self.publish('hermes/dialogueManager/endSession',
                 {'sessionId': 'mySessionId',
                  'text': 'myText'})

New in version 0.5.2.


This module contains some functions related to Snips services.


Return a dict with the installation state of all Snips services.

Returns:A dict with all Snips services as keys and their installation state (True or False) as value.
Return type:dict

Check whether the Snips service service is installed.

Parameters:service (str) – The Snips service to check.
Returns:True if the service is installed; False otherwise.
Return type:bool


>>> is_installed('snips-nlu')

Check whether the Snips service service is running.

Parameters:service (str) – The Snips service to check.
Returns:True if the service is running; False otherwise.
Return type:bool


>>> is_running('snips-nlu')

Return the model version of Snips NLU.

Returns:The model version of Snips NLU, or an empty string if snips-nlu is not installed.
Return type:str


>>> model_version()

Return a dict with the running state of all Snips services.

Returns:A dict with all Snips services as keys and their running state (True or False) as value.
Return type:dict

Return the version number of a Snips service or the Snips platform.

If the service argument is empty, this returns the minimum value of the version numbers of all installed Snips services.

Parameters:service (str, optional) – The Snips service to check.
Returns:The version number of the Snips service or an empty string if the service is not installed. If no service argument is given: the version of the Snips platform or an empty string if no Snips services are installed.
Return type:str


>>> version()
>>> version('snips-nlu')

Return a dict with the version numbers of all Snips services.

Returns:A dict with all Snips services as keys and their version numbers as value. Services that are not installed have an empty string as their value.
Return type:dict


This module contains some useful tools for the snipskit library.


Given a search path of files or directories with absolute paths, find the first existing path.

Parameters:paths (list) – A list of strings with absolute paths.
Returns:The first path in the list paths that exists, or None if none of the paths exist.
Return type:string


The following example works if the file system has a file /usr/local/etc/snips.toml (e.g. on macOS with Snips installed):

>>> find_path(['/etc/snips.toml', '/usr/local/etc/snips.toml'])

Return the latest version of Snips, as published in the release notes.


The latest version of Snips.

Return type:


  • URLError – When the function runs into a problem downloading the release
  • notes.