Source code for

"""This module contains a class to create Snips apps using the Hermes Python


.. code-block:: python

    from import HermesSnipsApp
    from import intent

    class SimpleSnipsApp(HermesSnipsApp):

        def initialize(self):
            print('App initialized')

        def example_intent(self, hermes, intent_message):
            print('I received intent "User:ExampleIntent"')

from snipskit.apps import SnipsAppMixin
from import HermesSnipsComponent

[docs]class HermesSnipsApp(SnipsAppMixin, HermesSnipsComponent): """A Snips app using the Hermes Python library. Attributes: assistant (:class:`.AssistantConfig`): The assistant configuration. Its location is read from the Snips configuration file and otherwise a default location is used. config (:class:`.AppConfig`): The app configuration. snips (:class:`.SnipsConfig`): The Snips configuration. hermes (:class:``): The Hermes object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, snips=None, config=None): """Initialize a Snips app using the Hermes protocol. Args: snips (:class:`.SnipsConfig`, optional): a Snips configuration. If the argument is not specified, a default :class:`.SnipsConfig` object is created for a locally installed instance of Snips. config (:class:`.AppConfig`, optional): an app configuration. If the argument is not specified, the app has no configuration. """ SnipsAppMixin.__init__(self, snips, config) HermesSnipsComponent.__init__(self, snips)