Source code for

"""This module contains decorators_ to apply to methods of a
:class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` object.

.. _decorators:

By applying one of these decorators to a method of a
:class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` object, this method is registered as a callback
to the corresponding event. When the event fires (e.g. an intent happens), the
method is called.


.. code-block:: python

    from import HermesSnipsApp
    from import intent

    class SimpleSnipsApp(HermesSnipsApp):

        def example_intent(self, hermes, intent_message):
            print('I received intent "User:ExampleIntent"')

[docs]def intent(intent_name): """Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` to register it as a callback to be triggered when the intent `intent_name` is recognized. Args: intent_name (str): The intent you want to subscribe to. """ def inner(method): """The method to apply the decorator to.""" method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_intent' method.subscribe_parameter = intent_name return method return inner
[docs]def intent_not_recognized(method): """Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager doesn't recognize an intent. """ method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_intent_not_recognized' return method
[docs]def intents(method): """Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` to register it as a callback to be triggered everytime an intent is recognized. """ method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_intents' return method
[docs]def session_ended(method): """Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager ends a session. """ method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_session_ended' return method
[docs]def session_queued(method): """Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager queues the current session. """ method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_session_queued' return method
[docs]def session_started(method): """Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent` to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager queues starts a new session. """ method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_session_started' return method